We headed out to our favorite town on the northern Oregon coast, and in between the rainy windy winter weather, we encountered eagles, songbirds, and water fowl; we walked on winter beaches with all their wonders; and on the ride home, had a drive-by encounter with a herd of elk.
You can find Nancy’s writing about this trip on her blog.
An early morning rainbow in our backyard, before heading to the Oregon Coast.
A row of Starlings on a tree branch, near Manzanita, OR, Winter 2024-25.
A Blue Heron escaped to a branch over the far side of the river after we got too close, near Manzanita, OR, Winter 2024-25.
Two Bald Eagles in a tree, near Manzanita, OR, Winter 2024-25.
A Bald Eagle in a tree near Manzanita, OR, Winter 2024-25.
Common Mergansers on the far shore of the river, near Manzanita, OR.
Ruby-crowned Kinglet in the bushes, near Manzanita, OR.
A Song Sparrow finding seeds on the riverbed, near Manzanita, OR.
Playing peek-a-boo with a Blue Heron along the Nehalem River near Manzanita, OR.
Beach foam at Manzanita Beach, OR
Manzanita Beach, OR
King Tides brought in this sizable chunk of driftwood, at Manzanita Beach, Oregon.
Elk, in a grassy stretch along US 101, near Cannon Beach, Oregon.
Elk, assembling for a tsunami as directed, along US101 near Cannon Beach, OR.
These photos are terrific. But don’t try to make us believe that the flying eagle photo is yours! It’s too good! I saw it in National Geographic! Holy smokes! Plus: two eagles in one tree? I Don’t Think So!
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