The world-class museums of Madrid were the bookends of our 4 week trip to Spain and Portugal. But we encountered works of art throughout our travels, in museums large and small, some themed, and some just reflecting the tastes of the curator. And in most cities there was public art on walls and in parks. Almost all of the museums allowed photography, so I was able to memorialize many of the moments where I was captured by what I was seeing. Here are a few of my favorites. They’re presented in the order we saw them, but you can search for specific artists and other keywords.
Monet, Low Tide at Varengeville, 1882
Pissarro, The Orchard at Eragny, 1896
Henri Le Sidaner, Church Street, 1928
Max Luce, Factory in Moonlight, 1898
Victor Vasarely, Ferry, 1973
Richard Lindner, Thank You, 1971
Richard Estes, Self Portrait near the Oculus at the World Trade Center, 2017
Kenny Scharf, Junglematic, 2023
Charles Bell, Tropic Nights, 1991
Frank Stella, Maiden, 1936
Jackson Pollock, Brown and Silver 1, 1951
Georgia O’Keefe, White Lily. 1927
Arthur Dove, Orange Grove in California by Irving Berlin, 1927
George Grosz, Twilight 1922
Magritte, La Clef des champs. 1936
Max Ernst, Solitary and Conjugal Trees, 1940
Wassily Kandinsky, Untitled, 1922
Gerrit van Honthorst, The Happy Violinist, 1624
Louise Moillon, Still Life with Fruit, 1637
Gerrit Dou, Young Woman with a Lighted Candle at a Window, 1658 – 1665
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