Ram Dass on Trees

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4 responses

  1. MaryJo Radosevich Avatar
    MaryJo Radosevich

    congratulations, Alan.
    So enjoy being with trees and your photos coupled with the Ram Dass quote capture the beauty of the variety in Mother Nature’s green dressing gown in our lush PNW.

    1. Alan Avatar

      Thanks, MaryJo! So nice to see you here.


  2. Bonnie Avatar

    Well this was a perfect read for today. Beautiful message and, as always, stunning visuals. You captured some really unique images and I can find myself in one of those!

    1. Alan Avatar

      Thanks, Bonnie Rae. I was thinking this might be useful as a Rorschach test: which tree are you today? Personally, I’m feeling a bit mossy….
