Ridgefield NWR, February 2024

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6 responses

  1. Nancy Friedland Avatar

    Excellent! Didn’t realize how many different species we saw!

    1. Alan Avatar

      Yes! And classes of species: birds, mammals, reptiles, plants … and we heard amphibians. Lots of life!

  2. Bonnie Avatar

    Wow! You had quite the variety and blue skies to boot! So envious of the bittern sighting. I went looking specifically for that and never saw one. Beautiful photos with stunning detail. I’ve never seen a varied thrush there, a favorite of mine. Well done!

    1. Alan Avatar

      Bittern hunting is thanks to you, Bonnie Rae! I had seen one in that general area last year, so I was on alert. I’ve been trying a backwards camouflage approach: focusing on the combo of grasses that would make a bittern invisible. It’s a great surprise every time! The thrush was a treat too; we’d been seeing flashes of dusky red that definitely wasn’t a robin, but couldn’t ID it until I saw the photos on my computer. No mating eagles for us, but Ridgefield is never disappointing.

  3. Louie Avatar

    Nice shot of the bittern! I’ve only seen that bird once. Love the puffed up kestrel too. I’d live to go birding with you and Nancy someday.

    1. Alan Avatar

      A bird outing together would be so fine! We’d have to do two: one up here, and one down there. From your blog, we share a lot of local birds, but there would be plenty of new ones too. Looking forward to it!
