After a little more than two years, I finally made it back to Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge. (Here are my notes and photos from February 2022.) Unlike the previous icy cold visit, this was a lovely early spring day, with mild temperatures and lots of sunlight. It was mid-day when I arrived, and the local regulars all described it as a very quiet afternoon. But I saw plenty of birds, including some new ones for me (Surf Scoter!), and it was a great day spending some time at this amazing place. I had great company, too: Bonnie Rae, whose blog In Search of the Very often features her visits to Nisqually and other beautiful spots in the Pacific Northwest. Check it out!
Nisqually NWR, March 2024
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Wow! For a day we thought was “bird light” you saw a lot! I always love to see other’s perspective on this, my happy place, through a different lens. Those birds in flight are fabulous and the estuary was gorgeous!
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