Summer Lake, Spring 2024

As springtime rolled into May, we ventured across the Cascades to explore more of central Oregon. The landscape heading southeast from Bend is very different from our home in the lush Willamette Valley, taking us through the sparse forests, high desert vistas, and volcanic geology of the “Oregon Outback”. The wetlands of the Summer Lake basin are a hot spot for local and migrating birds, and for two days we drove and walked around the wildlife refuge and surrounding areas. Here are my bird photos from the trip. Other non-avian photos are here. And, Nancy has written about this trip on her blog!

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4 responses

  1. Louie Avatar

    Love the owl pic! And a Lewis woodpecker… wow!

    1. Alan Avatar

      Looking forward to seeing you and the other mockingbirds really soon!


  2. Bonnie Rae Avatar

    Oh, I am so impressed! Gorgeous. These make me giddy with excitement. Very excited that the owl is there and looking forward to seeing avocets and ibis, cranes and more. That woodpecker is fabulous! Looks like a wonderful trip!